Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/29/2021 Dt.08/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Meter Test Bench. |
29/07/2020 |
Pre_Bid_Queries_I |
Pre_Bid_Queries_II |
Corrigendum_I |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/39/2020-21 Dt.08/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for Supply of DC Hi-Pot test set. |
29/07/2020 |
Corrigendum-II |
Corrigendum-I |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/27/2020-21 Dt.06/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for Supply of UPS in Odisha. |
27/07/2020 |
Prebid_Queries |
Corrigendum-I |
Corrigendum-II |
Corrigendum_III |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/MCCB with DB/26/20-21 Dt.04/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for MCCB with Distribution Box. |
27/07/2020 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/ LT ACB 400Amps with
FDR /ENQ/22/20-21 Dt. 04/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for Supply of LT ACB 400Amps with FDR. |
27/07/2020 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/Fire Extinguisher/23/20-21 Dt. 04/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for One Year's Rate Contract for Supply and Installation of Fire Extinguisher. |
27/07/2020 |
Corrigendum-I |
Corrigendum-iI |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/25/2020-21 Dt. 02/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for Supply of O/H Communicable FPI with DCU associated material. |
24/07/2020 |
Corrigendum-V |
Corrigendum-IV |
Corrigendum-III |
corrigendum_II |
Corrigendum-I |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/24/2020-21 Dt. 02/07/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract for Reconditioning of Power Transformers. |
24/07/2020 |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/18/2020-21 Dt. 25/06/2020 |
Tender Notification for Painting work rate contract for a period of one year. |
10/07/2020 |
corrigendum-I |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/19/2020-21 Dt. 25/06/2020 |
Tender Notification for Building Interior renovation work at IDCO tower 2nd & 3rd floor. |
15/07/2020 |
Corrigendum-I |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/17/2020-21 Dt. 25/06/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract For Civil maintenance work for a period of one year. |
15/07/2020 |
Corrigendum-III |
Corrigendum-II |
Corrigendum-I |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/Auto-Reclosure & Sectionalizer/15 /20-21 Dt. 25/06/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract For Supply of Auto-Reclosure & Sectionalizer. |
16/07/2020 |
Corrigendum-I |
Corrigendum-II |
Tender No. :TPCODL/P&S/ENGG/MODEM/16/20-21 nbsp; Dt.26/06/2020 26/06/2020 |
Tender Notification for Rate Contract For Supply of 4G Modems. |
16/07/2020 |
Pre_bid_Queries |
Corrigendum-II |
Corrigendum-I |
Tender No. :01/2020-21 Dt. 19/06/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Up gradation of 25KVA Sub-station to 63 KVA DP mounted sub-station and construction of line DP with AB switch to provide power supply to proposed 30Kw enhanced AAA load ( Enhancement from 6 KW) of Joint Director-II, Frozen Semen Bank, Cuttack at Sagadi, Kisannagar for bull calf rearing unit under Kisannagar Electrical section, in the dist. of Cuttack on Turnkey basis. |
CDDII-25 |
10/07/2020 |
Tender No. :01/2020-21 Dt. 26/05/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for strengthening of 33KV Electrical Infrastructure in Elephant movement area from Rengali to Kaniha under Kaniha and Rengali Electrical section of T.E.D, Chainpal. |
SEDKL-35 |
10/06/2020 |
Corrigendum_1 |
Tender No. :02/2020-21 Dt. 24/05/2020 |
Tender call notice for Laying of 3core 300mm² 11KV XLPE UG Cable through cable trench and erection of RS Joist pole for power supply to Maha Sibaratri of lord Lingaraj at Old Town, Bhubaneswar under OT-I section in 100% deposit work scheme. |
CircleI-50 |
02/06/2020 |
Tender No. :1101 Dt. 15/05/2020 |
Tender call notice for Replacement of RMU and Pillar box against Damage Restoration in Puri Town. |
CircleII-17 |
02/06/2020 |
Tender No. :721 Dt. 13/03/2020 |
Tender call notice for Extension of 11KV line, Installation of Sub-station and extension of LT line for dedicated power supply to different wings of SCS (A) College, Puri under Electrical Section Kacheri. |
CircleII-16 |
30/03/2020 |
Corrigendum-I |
Tender No. :03/2019-20 Dt. 13/03/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for shifting of Lines and Sub-stations inside the premises of Govt. Schools and Anganwadi Centers on Turnkey basis under Dhenkanal Electrical Division, Dhenkanal in Schools and Anganwadi scheme on Safety Ground. |
DED-03 |
25/03/2020 |
Tender No. :06/2019-20 Dt. 12/03/2020 |
Tender call notice for Construction of 11KV line towards shifting of existing line passed through the allotted site for upcoming 5 lakh liter per day dairy plant of OMFED at Arilo, Mouza-Govindpur as applied by the Managing Director, OMFED, BBSR under Godisahi Section, BCDD-II, BBSR in 100% deposit scheme. |
CircleI-49 |
20/03/2020 |
Tender No. :05/2019-20 Dt. 11/03/2020 |
Tender call notice for Construction of 11KV line, installation of 100KVA, 11/.4KV double pole mounted S/s and construction of LT line for providing power supply to LT individually supply to the Bajaranga Vihar near Ashok Vatika, Mouza -Botanda, Sundarapada, Bhubaneswar as applied by Dy.Director, D.P.M.U,Khordha under Dhauli Electrical Section, BED, BBSR in 100% deposit scheme. |
CircleI-48 |
18/03/2020 |
Tender No. :5444 Dt. 06/03/2020 |
Expression of Interest for appointment of Project Management Consultant (PMC) for various projects under CESU. |
CircleI-48 |
18/03/2020 |
Corrigendum-I |
Corrigendum-II |
Tender No. :401 Dt. 04/03/2020 |
Quotation Call Notice for Supply of New Service Connection Materials. |
SEPDP-25 |
18/03/2020 |
Tender No. :4903 Dt. 27/02/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for Expression of Interest from interested firms/organisations towards AMC of 11 nos. Precision AC installed at CESU DATA and SCADA Center, Kalyani Complex, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar. |
HR-24 |
06/03/2020 |
Tender No. :06/2019-20 Dt. 20/02/2020 |
Tender call Notice for Construction of 1x63KVA DP mounted S/S, with 11KV 3Ph. 3wire link line & construction of LT line at Fodder Farm patha, CRRI, Bidyadharpur, Cuttack for power supply to newly constructed irrigation point for 8KW, SPW load and also to 8KW existing load of Fodder Farm patha under Mahanadivihar Electrical Section.on Partial Turnkey basis. |
CDDII-24 |
12/03/2020 |
Tender No. :16/2019-20 Dt. 20/02/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for shifting of Lines and Sub-stations inside the premises of Govt. Schools and Anganwadi Centers on Turnkey basis under Talcher Electrical Division, Chainpal in Schools and Anganwadi scheme on Safety Ground. |
TED-30 |
03/03/2020 |
Tender No. :2146 Dt. 20/02/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for shifting of Lines and Sub-stations inside the premises of Govt. Schools and Anganwadi Centers on Turnkey basis under Angul Electrical Division, Angul in Schools and Anganwadi scheme on Safety Ground. |
ANED-04 |
29/02/2020 |
Tender No. :674 Dt. 13/02/2020 |
Tender call Notice for Re-construction and shifting of 33KV Line (Jagatsinghpur 33KV Feeder) existing inside the premises of STP-II, Matgajpur of OISIP due to construction of Sewage treatment plant under CMC, Cuttack Under CDD No II, Cuttack. |
SECTC-13 |
02/03/2020 |
Tender No. : 668 Dt. 13/02/2020 |
Tender call Notice for Re-construction and shifting of 33KV Line with UG Cable (CRRI-I & CRRI II 33KV feeder) existing inside the premises of STP-II, Matgajpur of OISIP due to construction of Sewage treatment plant under CMC, Cuttack Under CDD No II, Cuttack. |
SECTC-12 |
02/03/2020 |
Tender No. : 2121 Dt. 27/01/2020 |
Short Quotation Call Notice for supply of 1 no. of All-in-one Laserjet Printer and 1 no. of Internal Hard Disk at CESU HQ Office, Bhubaneswar. |
ITCC-17 |
10/02/2020 |
Tender No. :12/2019-20 Dt. 28/01/2020 |
Tender Call Notice for construction of 11KV line & Sub-station for power supply to M/s Talcher Fertilizer Ltd. for their pump house at Brahmani River, Nizigarh Town (near PHD pump house) for 400KW GPS load under Talcher Electrical Section of T.E.D, Chainpal. |
SEDKL-34 |
06/02/2020 |
Corrigendum_1 |